Ok I am a runnin feen. I got knocked on my badunk a week ago with a runner that was much more skilled than me and I REFUSE for that to happen again. I was through within the first half mile. Panting for breath after only about 1.6 miles. I was deeply disappointed in myself. Well... since then I refuse for that to happen again. That was due to poor eating and terrible workout habits. Due to my schedule I fell behind and... well whatever... kick them dern excuses to the curb. IM TALKIN ABOUT HERE AND NOW. Here and now I'm on my case. I've created a checklist for my workouts. I have signed up for a 10K that is in 2 weeks (and I'm so excited btw) and I'm constantly changing my background to some inspirational running picture. I'm on it. I have to be. One thing I live for is working out... but there's something special about running. smh... it's just a feeling. It's similar to how I feel when our team is told a play and I know that the ball is trusted to be in my hands to gain yardage. The look at the field and planning routes... the only difference is... I don't depend on a quarter back to have a decent aim or defense to leave a hole or anything... I depend on my legs. My count them, one.. two.., legs. You choose where you go, you don't depend on anyone elese, it's up to you to get your lazy bones out to go running. With Chip it's great because he gets to go with me. I look forward to wearing these shoes into the ground and needing a new pair. I look forward to Nike+ and running with my friends across the nation. I look forward to so much!! the pavement awaits. :)
Anywho. I'm geeked. I wish I could go running tonight, but I have yet to find a running buddy who will run with me consistently... Freak the excuses, I'll be running before prayer meeting.