Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ode to my sidekick, oh kick of side

If I didn't have my sidekick I would never know what time it is
If I didn't have my sidekick I wouldn't be able to get on the internet all day
Without the kick on my side I would only know about 4 phone numbers
Without the kick on my side I wouldn't be able to tweet at 1am when I should be sleep
Should my kick not be at my side I wouldn't have an alarm when I went out of town
Should my kick not be at my side I wouldn't have a calculator just waiting for me
Without my kickside I would not be able to be located
Without my kickside people wouldn't be offended if I were busy
Should the kick be to the front and not the side (lol) I wouldn't be able to speak in silence
Should the kick be to the front and not the side (lmbo) = life without creating witty acronyms
Without my slide of the side of kick I wouldn't be able to communicate with you
I wouldn't be able to take notes of the sermon when I don't have a pen and paper
I wouldn't laugh in the middle of silence and have people wonder what's so funny. :) :)
Ah side of kick... you may be booted for a curve or the Apple of my i... but you've done me well.
