Tuesday, April 7, 2009

ALWAYS get the Performance Service Plan

So God is amazing... and it's the little things.

I went to Congress this weekend and it was great!! Although I was worn out it was a great experience and I love to see young people grow spiritually. God is Amazing :)

Anywho... while at a basketball I dropped my camera, just simply dropped that mug. I turned it on to take a picture of something and low and behold my camera was broken!! Surprising I didn't fuss or anything. Simply nothing I could do. I did feel sick about it a $300 camera down the drain. So I went through the rest of the weekend taking pictures and hoping that they came out ok... which they did for the most part.

So yesterday I was looking up my Performance Service Plan and talked with a friend that works at Best Buy... the damages are covered. Like... I walked into Best Buy and told the full truth about ME dropping MY camera, and all I had to do was sign some paperwork and they are repairing and/or replacing my camera. All gravy... except Alumni is this weekend... but PRAISES... the manager says for me to just buy a camera of equal or lesser value and once everything is in order they will either repair or replace my camera and I can bring my rented camera back. ;)

So I now have a new Sony CyberShot camera and I'm pleased. Although I am upset because it's a different battery and memory card AGAIN! (and the technician let me keep my old Nikon battery... but I wasn't pleased with Nikon's performance) Anywho... new camera.

ALWAYS GET THE PSP when you get something that you wouldn't be willing to completely replace the very next day. You never know what's going to happen. That little $40 saved me $260. :)

Random thought: digital cameras and facebook have ultra potential to feed our vanity...


  1. Its a good idea, however you could have saved a lot of money by going with a 3rd party extended warranty company like www.squaretrade.com offers. The only difference besides the cost, (squaretrade is normally 50% cheaper) is that you wouldn't have gotten a repair so quickly.They guarantee you will have a replacement or money back within 5 days, which is not as good as what happened with Best Buy giving you a replacement for the meantime.

  2. I love it! I totally agree with that. Always get the performance service plan. I got a phone stolen from me once. PSP!!! 50 dollars to replace something that would have cost me 200-300.
