For me Chuck Taylor's make me not take life to seriously. When I wear them I can't be all serious about life and I can maintain a fluffy & airy lifestyle. Like for instance today I have on a Lauren by Ralph Lauren Oxford, jeans and blue chucks. If I'm having a rather drab week or day, I'll put a pair on. The pair I put on either accentuate how I feel or just try to change it all around. Let's see... here are some examples. If I'm feeling all girly I'll wear my pair that has pink in them, if I'm feeling tomboyish I'll wear a blue or black pair or even my Batman pair. There are so many different kinds you can have.
As far as comparing them to other types of shoes... this is unnecessary because they are unprecedented and never will be duplicated. What other pair of shoes can you have that will go with every t-shirt you have in your closet? And possibly be made of the same material? Sure you can have some Jordan's here and some Nike's there... but what one brand/one style of shoe can you have that will go with it all? Chuck Taylors (I do realize that Nike has NikeID... still don't care, so does Converse). They're inexpensive (for the most part, even though I don't like to pay full-price for them) and they have character. No other shoe has character like these. There are so many different choices that amount of money and timing is not what separates you from the masses (like Jordan's), it's your individual style that does that.
As far as comfort... I see where you are coming from. One thing I will say is that I am not bothered by them as long as I don't wear them for a long period of time. I used to place flat insoles in them... but they take up space and are uncomfortable. For those of us that have the feet for Chuck Taylor's, they feel just fine. From a female PoV they aren't bulky like other sneakers.
They're simple. They're personal. There timeless (proven by the fact that they've been around since FOREVER! Click here) You'll save money if you stick with Mr. Taylor :)
Hmm... and since I am all enthralled by this topic I will share a few Chuck Taylor stories with you... lol
Orange pair: My first pair. I was so excited. I wanted the brightest and boldest pair that they made and back then they didn't have NEARLY as many as they have now. So I got the BRIGHT ORANGE pair. :) I still have them today. I believe these are my only pair before Nike purchased Converse.
Black pair: These I just got to go with my every days... although they are Black they still make me feel whimsy. They go with just about everything. They do need to be replaced... lol.
Pink and Orange gingham: I got these from lady footlocker. They had them during the spring and I thought they were so cute. I had a pink and multi-colored dooney and bourke... so these were a perfect fit. These make me feel all girly.
Multi-pink: These were also for my dooney... I tried to save money and get them in kids... they weren't very comfy... I gave them away :( RIP.

Gray sweats!!: I think these are close to being one of my favorite pairs. They are made of fleece material sweats are made out of. They are SO comfortable. I love to wear them with my favorite sweats. LOVE THEM!!
There are a whole bunch more... but I think that'll do for now. My latest ones will be coming in the mail to me within a few weeks. :)
ooooooooooh and my Christmas ones!: These one's look like candy canes... they have felt on them. they feel cool and they make me feel all Christmasy... the first Christmas I had them I wore them every day before Christmas (about a week before) and on Christmas day.
So yes I have a deep affection for Chuck Taylor... and they support the Product (Red) campaign.
lol thanks for the insight.