Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So you pay the bills aaaaand wear pants too?

One thing... why on earth was this man in my meeting yesterday continuing to use "segregation" as a term for Engineering drawings? He wanted particular drawings to be separated from others because we needed to evaluate them. Instead of saying separate, he continued to say "let's segregate these drawings". LIKE WTW (what the world)? Who says that? Does he not understand all that word holds? No person says that word. Every time I heard him say it I just cringed. At the same time, why did I cringe?

Ok I 'm sooo tired of people saying that in relationships we are EQUAL. Not so numb nuts! Gosh! !@#$%^&*^#$@$%^&*%^$#@! It's very apparent why you have power trips ladies when you think that you are supposed to be equal to a man. I am so tired of it. Don't date/marry someone that you couldn't submit yourself to. The first part of that is that you need not date/marry someone that can't submit to God. Now if you don't submit to God this rule doesn't apply to you. lol. You can't try to taket this rule and make it yours and you are still not submitting to God. I actually heard a woman say "I pay the bils" when someone said that she is supposed to submit and that her and her husband are not equal. Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Why does money control relationship rankings? I was so baffled that those words actually came out of her mouth because most women won't say that. And what made him high enough to even be equal? Did he just get there on good behavior? or the fact that he's a man? In my opinion if money is the ranking, he'd actually be below her.

As a MoF (matter-of-fact) God is where money comes from correct? So if a woman does in fact make more money than her man, could that be God trying to give her an extra dose of humility? Do the women that to make more money, need to work on their submission to God? She lives her life so high, mighty and independent that not only does she think that she's greater than her man, she in essence feels that she is invincible and dare I say bigger than God. These women could believe that they in fact control their destinies by skin of their dollars. Lol... we could have never been Jesus Christ and handled that submission. Like nig... He CREATED this whole world and all the universe and EV-A-RY-THING and He submitted Himself to our lameness. Our little tiny bodies and brains? ha! *sidenote: Why does it seem like these women NEVER lose their jobs? *

This is where independence become a THORN at a man's side. Sometimes women go overboard. Like really. Sure I have a great career and a house and my own car and we (God and I) do take care of me. This doesn't mean that I'm a man. I've checked... no testicles... nada. Like I'm still a woman and I still plan to submit. If I marry a garbage man I will submit. Now before you start rolling your eyes, hear me out. Nig, if I choose to marry him know that he has ambition and goals and whatever. It's not based solely on his current occupation. He may be a garbage man, but he's working on his Master's in XYZ and/or plans to do this or that. Now the garbage man that complains about his job every day and does nothing about it? The garbage man that has no ambitions and settles for mediocrity... not fa me. lol ok garbage man was a bit much... I may not date a garbage man... sorry... garbage?? I don't know.

Date a dude you would love your little boy to become...
...saying "you're just like your daddy" shouldn't be a threat (lol)

Date a dude who will take out the trash... want a dude that will deal with your garbage.

Date a dude that can get along with your family...
...he can't be your only friend, family member and confidant.

Date a dude that has a positive outlook on life...
...rocky roads will come, he has to see over the hill.

Date a dude that will grease your scalp...
...just because :P it's the coolest thing ever!

Date your best-friend...
...he needs to love your chill mode too.

Date someone who makes you laugh...'ll have a blue day sometime and you'll need a LAUGH

Most importantly...
Date a dude who loves and fears God...
...why would you settle for anything less than God's best?

if you don't have a gmail account you can comment under anonymous, all I ask is that you leave your name in your comment...

1 comment:

  1. I hear what you're saying and totally agree. Except for the garbage man thing. What is he is a garbage man who likes his job. What if he's not complaining but working hard in the spirit of excellence that God requires of us? Is he then, not good enough? Is he then not ambitious? Is he less of a man because he is willing to clean up after people?
