Friday, July 10, 2009

If it's a gift... and it's from God... who's to say when it's not serving Him?

Hmm... well well well. This morning has been wonderous.

Last night went to see Pj Morton and Britten at a show in Nashville. Greatness as usual. I love live music. Anywho... got "Why can't I sing about love" a book written by Pj... This book, song, etc seemed to come right on time for me because I recently have gone back to listening to "secular" music. As a leader for the youth in the church you're somewhat required to tell them not to listen to secular music. Pretty much the concensus is that if it's not gospel it's bad... and even some gospel is bad... to me, really and truly the kids are pushed away if this is not something they understand or agree with. Hmm... I have so much to say, I can't wait to write my book... anywho... my cousins are PKs and I thought about them when I was reading his Childhood chapter. They both LOVE music, especially the youngest one who freakin adores Pj. He would die if he could meet Pj and Ed... one day he will, I'll do what I can to make sure of it I love to see sahny use his gift, and to meet artists who inspire him could take him to another level.

Golly... ok. I honestly don't have complete thoughts because I literally read the book on the way to work (I know... yes I was driving... but if I read a text or tweet... why not make it productive??) and once I got in the office because I really wanted to see what he had to say as an artist. I always always always wonder what artists are thinking. Painters, Designers, Musicians, etc... probably because my mom is around them quite a bit and she's one herself. Mainly because they are NORMAL people... like do you guys realize that they have a talent, just like we do... in a different capacity. Why do we make them into superhuman people? They breathe, eat, sleep, and probably dig in their noses... lol... anywho.

All I'm going to say is... think about why you believe what you believe. Ask yourself if it's because of a personal relationship with God or because of what you've been told. Think on why you do or don't do certain things. Sometimes when we get in a routine, we forget why we're in it... and on ocassion forget who we are. This can lead to losing a passion for serving Christ with our lives... because we don't even understand the life we're living. I don't want to spoil the book, I really want you to read it. If you can read a blog post, a tweet, a text... you can READ. Goodness gracious, reading is fundamental people. We say we don't like to read and we stay on twitter READING all day... we READ people's statii all day... we READ text messages all day... please never say "I don't like to read" ever again in life... like... just say that you don't like to read books because you are allergic to paper or something... that'd be more believable. smh. lol.

The book
Go to the site. Listen to the song. It should clean up any gray areas on what the book is about.

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