Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Choice words... ADSL vol. 3

Ok I have to let this out or else it will eat me alive. I am so freaking tired of men who claim they want to "be a man" and do the man things. So I ask if you'll cut my grass and you jump and say yes. It's going to rain by the day that you say that you'll do it so I go ahead and do it myself... then you have something to say about it. Nothing bad, just "I said I would do it, and you jumped and did it yourself" so I say to myself... let me be a "lady".

I give you another opportunity. I say "hey dear sir, you are more than welcome to come mow my lawn... let me know when you can it needs to be cut for sure"... and low and behold you drag your FREAKING feet and it's raining... and it will be raining until Monday. I wish I could strangle you right now... because now there will be a jungle in my backyard... and you know what? I'm going to mow my own (insert word) (and another word)(insert emotion) lawn! I am so through. You can't win for losing as an independent woman. Boy I tell ya. smh. smh. smh. Y'all ni&&as make me sick right now.

...guess I needed to let that out... been told that I can't be upset. It's a favor. Not their fault that it rained. So I will be patient I suppose. I just hate to come home to a raggedy lawn... *sigh* We'll see.


  1. LMBO!!!!!!!!!!! Better here than on facebook!

  2. First of all.. I love the way you rant. Because it doesn't seem like complaining. it feels like a written article. That being said... Definitely better here than on FB...

  3. Facts
    1 - cutting wet grass causes the grass to stick too the blades which cause the lawn to look uneven
    2 - you'll mess up the single stroke engine if you get water in the fuel/oil mixture (more money to fix)
    3 - You could get sick.

    My advice be patient the elements were against you.
